Category Archives: lgbt

That Afro puff story got my hair all twisted – Rantings of an Afro Puff Warrior

Afro Puff Warrior Woman

Afro Puff Warrior Woman

Like many African American women I have had a love/hate/love history with my hair. I have worn it long, short, straight, braided, twisted and natural. I have covered it with wigs and had it dyed every shade of red imaginable and even a few shades of blonde. We, my hair and I, have traveled a long way to get to the place of love we share today.

You see I was born that middle child. I was supposed to be the long awaited son but instead they got me. Unlike my older sister with her fine curly “good” hair, I came into the world with a head full of thick, unruly, ‘had a mind of its own’ hair.

If my mother braided it in pig tails, it didn’t lay flat like my sisters. After a few hours of play, it would work its way free from the rubber bands and rise up, so my mother and aunties would say, like “someone had sprinkled baking powder on it.”

When appearance really mattered I would sit between my mother’s or aunt’s knees, my head in a knee-lock vice grip, and have it braided so tight my head would hurt. I’d cry “Take it easy” but my hair was a beast and taming it could not be done by “taking it easy.”

One year there was a big wedding. Relatives came from far and wide. When time came for hair combing I started to cry before my mother even touched me because I knew she was going to pull those braids so tight my toes were going to curl.

Aunt Helen who was in from North Carolina asked me what was wrong to which my sister answered “She doesn’t have ‘good’ hair like me. Mommy has to really comb it hard to make it look nice and it’s going to hurt.” She probably giggled (yes she was that kind of big sister.)

Well Aunt Helen looked at me and said “Come here baby. There’s nothing wrong with this child’s hair. You just have to work with it.” She took the comb and brush from my mother, worked a little hair magic and when she was done I was rocking my first set of Afro Puffs.

When I saw the photo on face book of the smiling little girl with her Afro Puffs above the headline that an Ohio School was banning Afro Puffs and braids I felt a pang in my heart.

Horizon Science Academy in Ohio sent a letter to parents including a ban on some Natural hair styles including Puffs as not in keeping with their dress code.

Seriously in 2013 natural hair banned, lumped in with other personal appearance bans like Mohawks, hair dye and body piercings!!!

Ironically I read this post on the same day my city Detroit, Michigan celebrated the 50th anniversary of the March in Detroit where Dr. King first gave his I have a dream speech in 1963.  We all remember his dream for his four little children (two were little girls) that they would “one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.”

I’m sure if he were alive today; Dr. King would look at that photo of that beautiful child with her puffs and see his own daughters Yolanda and Bernice.

Maybe he’d remember seeing their heads locked in that knee vice grip, remember hearing them cry as their mother or auntie braided or pressed their hair so it would be acceptable to a world where little black girls were repeatedly told they weren’t good enough, weren’t pretty enough.

I’m thinking he’d feel more than a pang in his heart that in 2013 the quintessential pretty black child look, the Afro Puff, along with braids and natural hair would be banned as unacceptable to Horizon Science Academy’s dress code. .

I believe he would see that speaking out against this ban and talking about instilling self-love in our children was part and partial of not being judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character if the dream is to ever be fulfilled.

Don’t get me wrong I’m not pointing the finger solely at Horizon, this decision did not come in a vacuum. We need only look at the community in the mirror with our penchant for assimilation, each generation getting further and further away from being black as we become more multi-racial, people of color to see how any school board could so blindly see this as just a matter of personal appearance on the same level of body piercing.

I bet Dr. King would be mad as hell, not just at Horizon but at us as community for still allowing our beautiful black children to be seen through a lens of beauty that denies our history, culture and inherent African American beauty

When I saw the photo on face book of the smiling little girl with her Afro Puffs, I remembered all those years I thought I was not pretty and some of the questionable choices I’ve made (like the blond hair) trying to fit someone else’s idea of pretty.

I think of all those dollars I spent on hair products trying to tame my hair so I would look “more professional” when trying to get a job, knowing my black skin was already a strike against me.

I think about how it still stung a little, just recently when someone asked me if I combed my beautiful natural hair and how appalled I am that people still ask if they can touch my hair (yes my hair, part of me  not IT).

Although my first thought was to twist up my Afro puffs, gas up the car and head down to OHIO, instead I twisted up the puffs, gassed up the car and went over to visit my nieces. The youngest was wearing her puffs too. I told her “I love your puffs.” I gave her a big hug and said YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!


Posted in Black hair, Black identity, Black women, lgbt, Self imaage, Uncategorized, Women, youth | Comments Off on That Afro puff story got my hair all twisted – Rantings of an Afro Puff Warrior

Life stories can be inspirational in the most unusual ways

The story of Dorothy – a dog that had been horribly abused, rehabilitated and found a forever home – had me thinking about our human condition. We bring baggage from the past into every situation but most significantly into relationships. Are we giving ourselves time to heal, be rehabilitated so we can find our “forever” love homes? Maybe we should come with a warning. To learn more about Dorothy and support the work of the Michigan Humane Society follow this link

JUNK YARD LOVE (for Dorothy)

You ready for this

Ready for this love of mine

It’s a hard love

Cuz I’ve been loved

Like a junk yard dog

I watched over and protected

For scraps thrown over the fence

I’ve done tricks to amuse

Was told to sit and stay

They just laughed

Turned and walked away

 My warm, fuzzy cuteness

Rarely nurtured,

Best suppressed

 I growl and snarl

Bristle and bark

I’ll sniff your hand

Then pull way back

But like a junk yard dog

I’m loyal and true

A ride or die woman

Giving my heart to only you

I’m walking that tightrope

Unsure if I’m right or wrong

Victim or perpetrator

Looking for someone

Trying to just hold on

I come with lots of baggage

Really wish it weren’t so

But I got kicked more than petted

Thought you ought to know

Just giving you fair warning

And so I’ll ask again

Are you ready for this love?

A real love that’s hard but true

Cuz I’ve been loved like a junk yard dog

Once I sink my teeth in you

Just saying – I’m all in

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In This Season Of Pride 2013

Even though some cities hold their PRIDE celebrations as early as April,  June will always be the official kick-off month for PRIDE celebrations in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community.

This year we certainly have had a lot to celebrate. On the heels of a national election where LGBT rights were included as part of the larger issues facing all Americans by not just a national standard bearer but the President of the United States, it appeared as if our day had finally arrived.

Marriage equality had its day in court and as we await a ruling from the Supreme Court the number of states recognizing same sex marriage has grown to 12.  The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) might still be on the books but it’s on the ropes headed for a TKO if not by the courts then by individual states taking a stand for the rights of same gender loving couples and their families.

We’ve seen an east coast sweep of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Delaware, and Maryland; in-roads to equality in the heartland states of Iowa and Minnesota; and the great state of Washington representing the west coast, as well as in the District of Columbia with Illinois waiting in the wings to welcome same gender loving couples.

Attitudes are changing. High profile personalities who are out like George Takei, Ellen Degeneres, Wade Davis, Anderson Cooper, Jim Parsons, Jim Nabors, and others to name a few and the recent coming out of Robbie Rogers, Brittney Griner, and Jason Collins have moved the dialogue forward immeasurably.

We looked like YOU. We were just like your sons and your daughters. We’d been your heroes on television, in the movies, on the grid iron, on the soccer field and on the basketball courts.  And there was Oprah sitting on the couch with Jason Collins and his entire family saying it’s all right. A national aha moment “They’re here. They’re queer. So y’all just need to get over it.”  (OK, Oprah didn’t say that but I bet she was thinking it.)

This June we really have something to celebrate as we have our PRIDE marches, picnics and various festivities but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows.

We, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Americans are still under attack, at risk and that we must never forget.

Last year thirteen Transgender Americans were murdered and the violence continues with even more deaths including the murders of Kayla Moore and Cemia “CiCi” Dove.

In February, Marco McMillian, a black mayoral candidate, who was also gay, was found on the Mississippi River levee murdered.

And as we prepare to kick-off a month of PRIDE, New York City has been rocked by a series of homophobic attacks including the murder of Marc Carson, a gay man.

Even though we have made advances on the marriage equality front, the greatest percentage of LGBT families lives in areas of the country with the least protections for their families. In a majority of states individuals can still be fired and/or denied housing for being LGBT or perceived to be gay and the fate of the reintroduced Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) remains uncertain.

Studies show that more and more Americans have evolved on LGBT marriage and equality (some demographic models indicating that if put up for a vote, same-sex marriage would become legal in all but six states by 2020) but it will take more than warm fuzzy feelings about us walking down the aisle and celebrity outings to stop the violence, stop the discrimination, stop the ignorance and put an end to homo and transphobia.

This year, as we begin celebrating our pride across the country, I am filled with not just the audacity of hope but the audacity to believe change is finally going to come. I can feel it. It’s in the air, in our conversations. It’s within our grasp.

But if we want it we have to embrace the good and the bad, the celebration and the outrage, the parties and the politics.

This June, this season of PRIDE, let’s be intentional. Let’s celebrate PRIDE with a purpose. A pride that goes beyond June’s 30 days. A pride, so compelling, so righteous, so just, so contagious, that our equality will no longer be denied.

Even though some cities hold their PRIDE celebrations as early as April, Philadelphia’s Black Pride was held in April; June will always be the official kick-off month for PRIDE celebrations in the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender community.

This year we certainly have had a lot to celebrate. On the heels of a national election where LGBT rights were included as part of the larger issues facing all Americans by not just a national standard bearer but the President of the United States, it appeared as if our day had finally arrived.

Marriage equality had its day in court and as we await a ruling from the Supreme Court the number of states recognizing same sex marriage has grown to 12.  The Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) might still be on the books but it’s on the ropes headed for a TKO if not by the courts then by individual states taking a stand for the rights of same gender loving couples and their families.

We’ve seen an east coast sweep of Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont, Delaware, and Maryland; in-roads to equality in the heartland states of Iowa and Minnesota; and the great state of Washington representing the west coast, as well as in the District of Columbia with Illinois waiting in the wings to welcome same gender loving couples.

Attitudes are changing. High profile personalities who are out like George Takei, Ellen Degeneres, Wade Davis, Anderson Cooper, Jim Parsons, Jim Nabors, and others to name a few and the recent coming out of Robbie Rogers, Brittney Griner, and Jason Collins have moved the dialogue forward immeasurably.

We looked like YOU. We were just like your sons and your daughters. We’d been your heroes on television, in the movies, on the grid iron, on the soccer field and on the basketball courts.  And there was Oprah sitting on the couch with Jason Collins and his entire family saying it’s all right. A national aha moment “They’re here. They’re queer. So y’all just need to get over it.”  (OK, Oprah didn’t say that but I bet she was thinking it.)

This June we really have something to celebrate as we have our PRIDE marches, picnics and various festivities but it’s not all sunshine and rainbows.

We, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Americans are still under attack, at risk and that we must never forget.

Last year thirteen Transgender Americans were murdered and the violence continues with even more deaths including the murders of Kayla Moore and Cemia “CiCi” Dove.

In February, Marco McMillian, a black mayoral candidate, who was also gay, was found on the Mississippi River levee murdered.

And as we prepare to kick-off a month of PRIDE, New York City has been rocked by a series of homophobic attacks including the murder of Marc Carson, a gay man.

Even though we have made advances on the marriage equality front, the greatest percentage of LGBT families lives in areas of the country with the least protections for their families. In a majority of states individuals can still be fired and/or denied housing for being LGBT or perceived to be gay and the fate of the reintroduced Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) remains uncertain.

Studies show that more and more Americans have evolved on LGBT marriage and equality (some demographic models indicating that if put up for a vote, same-sex marriage would become legal in all but six states by 2020) but it will take more than warm fuzzy feelings about us walking down the aisle and celebrity outings to stop the violence, stop the discrimination, stop the ignorance and put an end to homo and transphobia.

This year, as we begin celebrating our pride across the country, I am filled with not just the audacity of hope but the audacity to believe change is finally going to come. I can feel it. It’s in the air, in our conversations. It’s within our grasp.

But if we want it we have to embrace the good and the bad, the celebration and the outrage, the parties and the politics.

This June, this season of PRIDE, let’s be intentional. Let’s celebrate PRIDE with a purpose. A pride that goes beyond June’s 30 days. A pride, so compelling, so righteous, so just, so contagious, that our equality will no longer be denied.

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February: Love, Marriage & Equality

It’s February; love’s in the air, and apparently everyone is high on the Valentine’s Day Kool-Aid.

You expect to be inundated with love stories, engagements and wedding photos but did you ever think you would see so many LGBTQ engagements and weddings?

I mean it’s not just in traditional media but on social media and in local media as well.

Ellen DeGeneres/Portia de Rossi, Elton John/David Furnish, Cynthia Nixon/Christine Marinoni, George Takei/Brad Altman, Neil Patrick Harris/David Burtka, Rosie O’Donnell/Michelle Rounds and Jim Nabors/Stan Callawader are just a few of the celebrity couples whose nuptials have made headlines.

And these unions are being reported not as assaults on the “sanctity of marriage” but as a reason to celebrate far and wide.

With Maryland and Maine joining Massachusetts, Connecticut, Iowa, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, Washington and the District of Colombia, more and more LGBTQ brothers and sisters are following Beyonce’s advice and “Putting a ring on it.” I’ve received so many invitations that for 2013, I’ve had to add a new line to my personal budget for wedding gifts and travel. Amazing!!!

I recently had the opportunity to sit down with a reporter and talk about the marriage equality movement and the changes I’ve seen since 2004 when I first got involved fighting a discriminatory proposal in my home state of Michigan.

Unfortunately that proposal passed, enshrining discrimination into the state’s constitution. It went beyond banning same-sex marriage and civil unions, and was interpreted by the Michigan Supreme Court to not allow public employers to grant domestic partnership benefits.

Then as now, I’m not looking for a wife. I’ve never had dreams of a big wedding, a church wedding or any kind of wedding for that matter. My mother got married in a yellow suit in her parent’s living room about three months after meeting my dad. The story was steeped in romanticism but the reality of married life observed from this child’s eye – well led me to the conclusion that, like the song goes, “I could do bad by myself.”

But there was something about that first foray into the war for marriage equality that hit home. Not only were these opponents spreading lies and falsely vilifying my community, I realized that in many instances I was invisible as a gay American to my friends, family, co-workers, neighbors and community.

Since those early days we, as a community, have done a lot to remove that invisibility and the public shift on gay marriage is the result of all that hard work. Even as I write this I know other states including Illinois are moving towards marriage equality.

A part of me is ready to go out and buy some dancing shoes for all those wedding receptions on the horizon but I’m still not ready to jump on the marriage band wagon.

Why you might ask? Because we still haven’t had that real discussion about marriage that goes beyond the ring and the ceremony – the denial of the basic human rights.

I have dialogues on gay rights and marriage on several different sites and on the weekly blog radio program I co-host “Can We Talk For Real.” I have been amazed by the diversity of feelings on marriage in the LGBTQ community.

Marriage is how we acknowledge our relationships, a showing of our personal commitment to the love of our life for the whole world to see. So how are we making marriage our own in our ceremonies, in our expectations and in our lives? Are we making it our own or buying into the industry?

I read a recent post where the woman had a laundry list for potential spouses which included not only income and education levels but also that her future spouse owned a car no more than five years old. Then there are the wedding planners/packages that for the right price can give you the best faux-heterosexual ceremony so authentic that even FOX News was fooled recently using a “wedding kiss” photo to accompany a piece about traditional gender roles that was actually of a same sex couple.

But this isn’t what we’ve been fighting for, more like unintended consequences.

What we’ve been fighting for is equality under the law. Equality promised in the Constitution to protect citizens from discrimination from laws that treat them differently for no good reason. And let’s face it, there is no good reason to deny LGBTQ Americans marriage equality.

Protect the sanctity of marriage – seriously. Same sex marriage had nothing to do with Kim Kardashian’s failed 72 day marriage, then getting pregnant without benefit of marriage by another man while still married to her 72-day wonder husband.

Marriage is an archaic but evolving institution that establishes the rights and obligations between spouses including at least 1,138 federal tangible benefits, protections, rights, and responsibilities that marriage brings couples and their children. Bottom line is if you want the benefits then you better put a ring on it.

But amidst our voices lifted in singing “Going to the Chapel” is another chorus of voices asking why; why must we go through the motions to provide basic human rights for our spouses and families?

Chicago songstress C.C. Carter related how she had been dragged kicking and screaming to the altar to marry her spouse. It wasn’t that she didn’t love her wife. They have been together for years and no license or piece of paper could give them greater acknowledgement, recognition or validation. The issue for Carter was why she (or anyone) needed to get a license to provide what should be a basic human right for everyone – to provide for and protect our families.

In the end it’s all about love. The love we have for each other. The love we have for our families. The love we have for equality and ultimately, the love we should have for one another to live in peace, safety and equality. Now wouldn’t that be an amazing Valentine’s gift to the world?

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Promises To Keep And Miles To Go

What Can We Be That Our Children Might See?

Printed 1/3/2013 in issue 2101 Between The Lines

As we go through life there’s a handful of people who change you, whose words haunt you and in critical times, challenging times, crucial times shape your thoughts, move you to action and help you be that part of change, the solution instead of sitting on the sidelines.

So it only makes sense that as we celebrated the twentieth anniversary of Detroit Summer, the words of James Boggs weighed heavily on my mind and influenced my actions not only in 2012 but as we go in to 2013. In founding Detroit Summer, Jimmy asked “What can we be that our children might see?”

It began with the elections and the divisive politics pitting more than Democrats against Republicans, progressives against conservatives but the haves against the 99 percent -a hodgepodge of Americans that includes immigrants, women, youth, labor, and the LGBT community.

What we discovered was that we, this hodgepodge of America, this 99 percent were all under attack. This attack promised to do more than turn back hard won human/civil rights of the past, but deny rights moving forward not just for us but for our children as well.

Even while conservative organizations used the Citizens United ruling to funnel millions of dollars into attempts to influence, buy and out-and-out steal the election, adversity brought us together.

The President’s evolution on LGBT marriage and the prominent role of our issues at the Democratic National Convention, along with the GOP’s recurring incidents of “foot in mouth,” broadened the discussion.

Our issues were different, but the intersections between social justice and LGBT equality became even clearer – attacks on Choice/Planned Parenthood and women’s health issues included lesbian health initiatives; discussions on full employment included ENDA; and family values/protections included our families.

In 2012 we dodged the Romney/Ryan bullet, but there’s no time to sit on our laurels, hope that the Mayan predictions for the end of times is wrong and pick out our inaugural gowns.

Washington grid-lock continues and at the state level, well Michigan’s lame duck legislature showed us how dangerous that can be – the war for equality rages on.

As the days countdown to 2013, the question remains; “What can we be that our children might see?”

Studies show that more and more Americans have evolved on LGBT marriage and equality but it will take more than changed minds.

Our efforts to educate and register voters must continue – right now! We’ve seen the enemy, and if we don’t take proactive steps to educate, mobilize and get out our vote, our inaction will continue to be our own worst enemy come 2014.

Social issues like equality are very much inexorably tied to fiscal and financial issues; many in the LGBT community get hit with the double struggle of a bad economy and legal employment discrimination against them.

We must continue to build upon the alliances formed in 2012 within the progressive community, but as partners, not part of the supporting cast. We have skin in the game not just as Americans but as Gay Americans.

Our rights, our issues, our stories must be heard – they are, have been and will be part of America’s story.

We have to quit talking about diversity and inclusion and be diverse and inclusive. That’s the world our children see and it’s time we start doing the serious work to make it so, and that includes within our LGBT leadership and organizations.

Time and time again, when sitting around the diversity campfire I hear the same story. “We try to be inclusive and have reached out to (gay/straight, youth, people of color, transgender – fill in the group of your choice) but it just hasn’t worked out.

On the flip side, I hear from the other folks (youth, people of color, transgender – fill in the group of your choice) that although a seat was offered at the table the menu remained unchanged.

Decisions, strategies, new initiatives and governance remains the same. As one Latina sister told me, “Adding Habanero sauce to the condiment tray but still serving peas and white rice ain’t inclusion!”

Let’s face it, if we can’t get it together in our LGBT house our work will continue to be an uphill battle in the state and federal legislative houses. There’s a lot of work to be done for our families, in the workplace, and for marriage equality.

As one year ends and a new year begins we must each decide how and where we are going to give and commit our time, talent and tithes.

So as you contemplate how you will commit your time, (especially over the next four years; hate to say it but we still have two elections to be working on now) and reinvest in our community (yes the money will have to come from us), don’t say no. Say yes to equality.

Because we have promises to keep to our community and most importantly to our children, and miles to go before we sleep.

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