On Voting: New poetry for my new year

I Vote Because

By Michelle E. Brown

Because they had no voice

When brought over in those chains.

Sold, beaten, traded

Eyes cast down shuffling by

As they silently swallowed pride.


Because they rode the back of the bus

Having services denied.

Colored toilets, colored fountains

Suffering indignities just to get by.


Because they marched for freedom

While being beaten and knocked down

Water cannons, dog bites, night sticks

To deny their civil rights.


Because their voices were silenced

Before they could make their mark

Four little girls in Birmingham

Trayvon, Ayanna, Renisha, Michael

Our stand in Ferguson

For babies yet to come


I vote to make a difference

I vote to make a change

I vote for this imperfect union

I vote in all their names.


Because of them it matters

For me to be a part of the game

Not sitting on the sidelines

To cast aspersions and merely complain


I might not see the difference

Or live to see the change

But because of them I do it

I vote so their lives were not in vain.

This entry was posted in 2014 Elections, Black identity, Black women, Creating Change, ENDA, hate crime, lgbt, literature, marriage equality, NN14, Pop Culture, Self imaage, World events. Bookmark the permalink.

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